Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Indian Hot Property (Pics)
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 1:40 PM 3 comments
Labels: bollywood actresses pictures
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Inder greifen immer häufiger zu Notebooks
Das PC-Geschäft läuft in Indien nach wie vor rund. Insbesondere Notebooks erfreuen sich nicht nur bei privaten Haushalten wachsender Beliebtheit. Immer mehr Unternehmen sind dazu übergegangen, die Desktop-PC ihrer Mitarbeiter durch tragbare Geräte zu ersetzen. Das größte Umsatzplus erzielen die Händler mit kleinen und mittelständischen Betrieben und zunehmend auch in kleineren Städten. Das Druckergeschäft entwickelt sich hingegen rückläufig. Der anhaltende Preiskampf hat zu einem Umsatzrückgang von über 30% geführt. (Kontaktanschrift)
Indiens Nachfrage nach Personal Computer (PC) ist nach wie vor ungebrochen. In den ersten sechs Monaten des Finanzjahres 2007/08 (1.4. bis 31.3.) verzeichneten die Händler ein Umsatzplus von 13% auf 83,6 Mrd. indische Rupien (iR; rund 1,5 Mrd. Euro; 1 Euro = 55,70 iR). Insgesamt wurden 3,4 Mio. Desktop-PC, Notebooks und Server auf dem Subkontinent abgesetzt, 11% mehr als in der Vorjahresperiode. Dabei hält laut Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology (MAIT) der Trend zum Notebook weiter an.
Denn während der Absatz von stationären PC mit einem Minus von 3% zwar weiter rückläufig ist, wurden gleichzeitig 40% mehr Notebooks als im Vorjahr verkauft. Insgesamt gingen 2,6 Mio. PC im Wert von 46,8 Mrd. iR und rund 684.000 Notebooks im Wert von 27,3 Mrd. iR über die Ladentheke. Auch die Nachfrage nach Servern hat stark angezogen. In diesem Segment verzeichneten die Anbieter ein Umsatzplus von knapp 50% auf 9,5 Mrd. IR. Insgesamt wurden 72.800 Geräte verkauft.
Indiens Computer- und Druckermarkt (in Mio. iR)
Produkt | 1. Halbjahr 2006/07 *) | 1. Halbjahr 2007/08 *) | Veränderung (in %) |
Computer | 73.760 | 83.620 | 13,4 |
.Desktop-PC | 48.080 | 46.800 | -2,7 |
.Notebooks | 19.340 | 27.350 | 41,4 |
.Server | 6.340 | 9.470 | 49,4 |
Drucker | 8.210 | 5.390 | -34,3 |
.Matrixdrucker | 1.860 | 1.270 | -31,7 |
.Tintenstrahldrucker | 950 | 780 | -17,9 |
.Laserdrucker | 5.040 | 3.150 | -37,5 |
.sonstige | 360 | 190 | -47,2 |
*) Finanzjahr 1.4. bis 31.3.
Quelle: Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology (MAIT), 2008
Die indischen Konsumenten entwickeln beim PC-Kauf ein immer ausgeprägteres internationales Markenbewusstsein. Anbieter wie Dell oder Hewlett Packard verkauften in der betrachteten Periode 33% mehr Desktop-PC als im Vorjahr, während indische Fabrikate wie HCL einen Umsatzrückgang von 24% hinnehmen mussten. Damit haben die ausländischen Marken inzwischen einen Marktanteil von fast 50%, während sich der Anteil der einheimischen Hersteller von 23 auf 17% verringerte. Der Rest entfällt auf kleine Anbieter von selbstmontierten PC. Diese verzeichneten ein Umsatzminus von 10%.
Die Nachfrage nach stationären PC legte bei den privaten Haushalten um 72% zu, während die professionellen Nutzer 17% weniger Geräte abnahmen. Vor allem die großen Unternehmen halten sich derzeit mit Neuanschaffungen zurück. in dieser Kundengruppe wurde ein Minus von 30% verzeichnet. Der Umsatz mit kleinen und mittelständischen Abnehmern erhöhte sich dagegen um 16%. Der Anteil der privaten Nutzer macht inzwischen fast 40% der gesamten PC-Verkäufe aus.
Immer mehr Desktop-PC werden in Städten mit weniger als 1 Mio. Einwohnern verkauft, da die Penetrationsrate noch relativ gering ist. Im 1. Halbjahr 2007/08 setzten die Händler hier 30% mehr Geräte als im Vorjahreszeitraum ab. Der Marktanteil dieser sogenannten "Tier-3-Cities" liegt inzwischen bei 65%, Tendenz steigend. In den Metropolen Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai und Kolkata gingen die Umsätze hingegen um 15% zurück. In den übrigen Millionenstädten mussten die Händler gleichfalls einen Rückgang um 9% hinnehmen.
Auch in der Notebook-Sparte wird die Nachfrage inzwischen von den privaten Nutzern vorangetrieben. Hier legte der Umsatz im betrachteten Zeitraum um 164% zu. Inzwischen wird die Hälfte aller tragbaren PC an dieses Kundensegment verkauft. Gleichzeitig floriert das Geschäft mit gewerblichen Abnehmern mit einem Plus von 16%, bei den Großunternehmen sogar von 25%. Laut MAIT gehen immer mehr Firmen dazu über, die Desktop-PC ihrer Mitarbeiter durch Notebooks zu ersetzen.
Das Umsatzplus von 50% in der Server-Sparte verdanken die Anbieter vor allem den kleinen und mittelständischen Betrieben. Der Umsatz mit diesen beiden Kundensegmenten legte um 107 beziehungsweise 272% zu. Die Verkäufe an die Großunternehmen brachen jedoch um fast 60% ein. Ihr Anteil am Gesamtumsatz beläuft sich mittlerweile nur noch auf 16%. Wie bei den PC und Notebooks legte auch die Server-Sparte in den mittelgroßen Städten am stärksten zu. Während in den Metropolen 17% weniger Geräte verkauft wurden vervierfachte sich hier der Absatz.
Das Druckergeschäft verlief in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2007/08 mehr als unbefriedigend für die Händler. Aufgrund des anhaltenden Preiskampfes ging der Umsatz um 35% auf 5,4 Mrd. iR zurück, während nur 10% weniger Geräte verkauft wurden. Die geringsten Einbußen verzeichneten die Händler bei Tintenstrahldruckern mit einem Minus von 18% auf 780 Mio. iR. Der Verkauf von Laserdruckern ging um fast 40% auf rund 3,2 Mrd. iR zurück. Allerdings wurden auch hier nur 9% weniger Geräte verkauft.
Laut MAIT ist ein weiterer Preisverfall bei Druckern - insbesondere im Privatkundensegment - nicht auszuschließen. Steigende Nachfrage erhoffen sich die Händler vor allem bei den kleinen und mittelgroßen Betrieben. Hier legte der Verkauf von Laserprintern um 4% beziehungsweise 31% zu. Die großen Unternehmen nahmen hingegen 30% weniger Geräte ab.,templateId=renderPrint/MKT200804288000.html
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Inder greifen Notebooks
Monday, April 28, 2008
Five Foods to Make You Puke
Good luck trying eat these foods.
Stinky Tofu
Casu Marzu
Durian is a fruit native to Thailand. They general grow to be about the size of your average melon. They have a light green layer that is hard like that of a coconut. It has sharp spikes on the outside as well. When you cut the fruit open you can see its sectioned yellow flesh. The odor of this fruit is pungent, some people describe the odor to be like the smell or stinky feet, rotting flesh, or a high concentration of walnuts. The smell is so offensive that it is illegal to be eaten in many public areas all around Asia and there are signs to let you know!
Tofu is made from the juice derived from crushed up soy beans. To make this juice into tofu you follow the same process that you do to make cheese. Essentially tofu is the cheese of the vegetarian world. But beware, this isn't your normal everyday tofu, this has been fermenting for up to 2 years! Sometimes stinky tofu is eaten with the 2 inches of mold still growing on top of it. You could probably compare the taste of this Asian delicacy to that of a moldy piece of cow dung that has been left out in the hot and humid jungle for 3 years. Here's what it looks like.
Casu marzu literally translates to “rotten cheese” in Italian. Believe it or not, this cheese is a delicacy in small parts of Italy. This cheese is actually so old that it has hundreds of maggots chowing down in there. This dish is so bad that the Italian government has made the sale of it illegal. But somehow it still fetches a high price on the Black-Market. I feel really bad for any child who was forced to eat this.
Hakarl is a dish that was discovered by a person literally dying of starvation. He was so desperate for food that he dug up a shark that he buried in the ground four months prior and ATE THE SHARK!!! This food is eaten on a regular basis in Iceland. It is said to separate the men from the boys because most can't even keep it down. Today this dish is made by hanging the sharks in a giant shed for four months and letting them ferment that way, but don't worry, they still have that same great taste.
Balut is eaten all over Central America and is a very common snack. But be wary, this food isn't for you finicky eaters out there, this food is actually a half developed duck embryo, fermented or not fermented, DEPENDS ON PREFERENCE. Anyone who can keep this food down in their stomachs is a real trooper, I cant even imagine have all of that gooey guts and blood in my mouth. As I said though a whole lots of people truly enjoy this dish.
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Puke foods, stinky tofu
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Films that bond Asia
Now Playing in India: A Rare View of Pakistan
“We didn’t know that Pakistan had such good houses,” the headline said, Mr. Mansoor recalled in an interview here.
It was a striking reminder of how little people in India know about their neighbors across the border.
For 43 years no Pakistan-made film had been distributed commercially to movie theaters in India until the opening here of Mr. Mansoor’s movie, “Khuda Kay Liye” (“In the Name of God”). That absence has contributed to widespread ignorance in India about contemporary Pakistan, a country set apart by such entrenched political hostility that few Indians have visited it.
The release of the film, which broke all box office records in Pakistan last year, was hailed here as a significant moment in the slowly progressing India-Pakistan peace talks.
The Pakistani government imposed a ban on the distribution and broadcast of Indian movies after the war between the countries in 1965, one of three wars they have fought since the region was split by partition in 1947. No formal reciprocal order was issued by India, but initial political hostility to the idea of showing Pakistani films was superseded in later years by commercial considerations.
In the second half of the 20th century, the Pakistani film industry, known as Lollywood, slipped into severe decline and produced little meriting distribution in India, which is well served by its own film industry, Bollywood.
Despite the ban, pirated copies of Bollywood hits have always been hugely popular in Pakistan. And in 2006, with improving political ties, the Pakistani government gradually began to relax its approach, allowing a limited number of Indian films to be screened legally in theaters.
The effect has been a cultural two-way mirror dividing the countries, with Pakistan able to observe India (or a gaudier Bollywood version of India), but with Indians unable to see beyond their own frontiers.
“Indian films never stopped coming to Pakistan, on DVDs,” Mr. Mansoor said. “So every Pakistani is absolutely clear about the way of life in India, about how everything works in India. But there is nothing coming in the other direction, with the result that India has very clear misconceptions about Pakistan.”
His film was edited in Delhi, where he was “shocked by the ignorance” of Indian colleagues in the cutting room, he said.
“They had very surprising ideas about Pakistan,” Mr. Mansoor recalled. “They asked: ‘Do you have taxis there?’ ‘Can women drive?’ ‘Are women allowed to go to university?’ They thought Pakistan consisted entirely of fanatics and mullahs.”
Aside from their incidental wonderment at the unexpected beauty of Pakistani houses, filmgoers and reviewers have been struck by the insights the film offers into the difficulties of being a liberal Muslim in Pakistan after 9/11.
The film shows two brothers, both talented musicians in Lahore, growing apart as they embrace different readings of Islam. One falls under the influence of the local mullah, abandons his Sufi rock group and his rich, liberal parents in their interior-decorated home and heads off to join the Taliban.
The other leaves Pakistan to study music in Chicago, where he falls in love with the United States and marries an American. But he is then arrested and subjected to Abu Ghraib-style abuse by officials who are suspicious of his Muslim background, erroneously convinced that he played a role in planning the Sept. 11 attacks.
“That is the tragedy that a Muslim faces in these days,” Mr. Mansoor said. “We are beaten up by fundamentalists, with the label that we are too Western, and when we go out of the country, we are labeled as fundamentalists just because we have Pakistani names.”
The acting is patchy, but beneath the numerous plotlines Mr. Mansoor drives home his point that “all Muslims are not terrorists.”
“People need to understand that Pakistanis are not all rabid fundamentalists,” he said.
He has been pleased by the response in India. “People clapped here at the same places people clapped in Pakistan,” he said. “That’s a good sign.”
An Indian critic, Subhash K. Jha, said everyone in India should see the movie “to understand the isolation, to understand what it feels like to be deemed a terrorist, to be frisked extra hard, the pain and the humiliation.”
“I don’t think that is easy to understand as a Hindu,” he said.
But he said the film would not have obvious appeal to most Indian viewers. “Sadly, not too many people will be interested to see a film that reveals life as a Muslim, so its impact will be rather restrained,” he said. “It is not a pot-boiler; it doesn’t have the audience-pulling big stars.”
A Bollywood script writer, Javed Akhtar, described “Khuda Kay Liye” as a “very bold and honest film.”
“Ignorance breeds suspicion and suspicion breeds hate; it creates huge villains,” he said. “There is a lot to be heard and seen by Indian and by U.S. audiences here too.”
The Indian certification board recommended two cuts before approving the film’s release, removing a reference to Muslims being killed in Indian-controlled Kashmir. The other cut was from a speech near the film’s end and reflected concerns about offending Muslims in India.
But Shailendra Singh, managing director of the Percept Picture Company, which is distributing the film, said the process of bringing it to India had been surprisingly easy, and the initial box office response encouraging. He predicted that the film, which cost $1.5 million to make, would earn $2.5 million over the next three months in India.
“We felt like we were being part of history,” he said.
Recently, two Indian blockbusters Aamir Khan’s “Tare Zameen Par” and Akshay Kumar-Katrina Kaif starrer “Welcome” were released in Pakistan this year. Bollywood blockbuster “Made in China” starring martial arts hero Akshay Kumar and Deepika Padukone is also currently being shot on the out skirts of Beijing and Shanghai and will be released next year.
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Khuda ke liye, movies
Monday, April 21, 2008
European firm buys Dabur for Rs 880 crore
Deal values the company at Rs 1,199 crore.
| |||
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 4:10 PM 7 comments
Labels: Dabur deal, Fresenius SE
Indien zweitgrößte Handynation der Welt
Das zweite asiatische Land ist an der Weltspitze angekommen, was die Handyverbreitung angeht. In Indien werden mittlerweile 265 Millionen Kunden gezählt. Damit ist es zweitgrößter Mobilfunkmarkt der Welt nach China und hat die USA überholt. Das berichtet die Online-Ausgabe der tagesschau.
Indiens Mobilfunkmarkt wächst mit der atemberaubenden Geschwindigkeit von acht bis neun Millionen Neunkunden pro Monat. Das ist die höchste Wachstumsrate weltweit. Dabei findet das stärkste Wachstum mittlerweile auf dem Land statt, denn in den Städten hat "jedes Mitglied einer Durchschnittsfamilie inzwischen ein Handy", zitiert den Direktor des staatlichen Telefonkonzerns BSNL, Saab Dayal Saxena. Zwei Drittel der 1,1 Milliarden Inder leben außerhalb der großen Städte.
Dass der Mobilfunk auch für ärmere Menschen so attraktiv ist, liegt einmal an der guten Verfügbarkeit: Die Mobilfunknetze reichen inzwischen weiter als die Festnetze. Vor allem ist das mobile Telefonieren in Indien aber sehr billig: Eine Gesprächsminute kostet manchmal nicht einmal ein Drittel Eurocent. Dennoch macht sein Unternehmen Gewinn, sagt Saxena. "Wir verdienen viel Geld über Masse."
Ähnlich äußert sich auch der Direktor des Verbandes der indischen Mobilfunkbetreiber, T.V. Ramachandran. "Wenn wir im Jahr 2010 die atemberaubende Zahl von 500 Millionen Handynutzern erreichen werden, sind das nicht einmal 50 Prozent der Bevölkerung", erinnert er an die große Menge Menschen, die der Mobilfunk in Indien noch erreichen kann und will. Europäische Länder haben eine Anschlussdichte von mehr als 100 Prozent. "Wir hätten also auch mit 500 Millionen Anschlüssen noch das Potenzial für eine weitere Verdopplung", freut sich Ramachandran.
Außerdem ist ein weiteres mobiles Geschäftsfeld noch beinahe unerschlossen: Internet per Handynetz. Die Versorgung der indischen Bevölkerung mit Internet ist noch sehr schlecht. Leitungen zu verlegen dauere zu lang und sei zu teuer, so Ramachandran. Der beste und günstigste Weg sei Breitband über Mobilfunk.
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: indien zweitgrößte Handynation
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Prachanda to be the next Nepal PM
Maoist supremo Prachanda, whose party has registered a surprise victory in recent Constituent Assembly polls, on Sunday declared that he would lead the next government in Nepal. "I will soon become the head of the first republican government," Prachanda said during a victory rally in Kirtipur Municipality of Kathmandu. Ahead of the April 10 polls, Prachanda was projected by the Communist Party of Nepal-Moist party as the future President. But as the interim constitution does not have the provision for electing a President, he is expected to head the government as Prime Minister, party insiders said. The CPN-Maoist has emerged as the single largest party by securing 118 seats out of a total of 240, for which polls were held under the first-past-the-post voting system. The results of eight constituencies, for which re-election was held on Saturday, are yet to be announced. However, Maoists are unlikely to win majority in the 601-member Constituent Assembly as they have so far received only 30 per cent votes under the proportionate voting system for 335 seats. The prime minister will fill the remaining 26 seats through nominations. Prachanda said he would give special emphasis to the development of Kirtipur, a constituency having strong anti-King feeling and from where the Maoist chief got elected to the assembly. Prachanda has also been elected from Rolpa district. He also assured the voters that Nepal would be declared a republic in the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly, which will be held within three weeks of the announcement of all the results.
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nepal Prime Minister, prachanda
Friday, April 18, 2008
The Universe in One picture
The Universe in One picture
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 11:10 AM 1 comments
Labels: Universe in one picture
Thursday, April 17, 2008
HIV/AIDS prevalence in indian states.
The vast size of India makes it difficult to examine the effects of HIV on the country as a whole. The majority of states within India have a higher population than most African countries, so a more detailed picture of the crisis can be gained by looking at each state individually.
The HIV prevalence data for most states is established through testing pregnant women at antenatal clinics. While this means that the data are only directly relevant to sexually active women, they still provide a reasonable indication as to the overall HIV prevalence of each area. 27 Data for six states are also available from a survey of the general population. 28
The following states have recorded the highest levels of HIV prevalence at antenatal and sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics over recent years.
Andhra Pradesh in the southeast of the country has a total population of around 76 million, of whom 6 million live in or around the city of Hyderabad. The HIV prevalence at antenatal clinics was 1.26% in 2006 - higher than in any other state - while the general population prevalence was 0.97% in 2005-2006. The vast majority of infections in Andhra Pradesh are believed to result from sexual transmission. HIV prevalence at STD clinics was 24.4% in 2006.
Goa is a very small state in the southwest of India, and is best known as a tourist destination. Tourism is so prominent that the number of tourists almost equals the resident population, which is about 1.3 million. The HIV prevalence at antenatal clinics was found to be 0.50% in 2006. Prevalence at STD clinics was 8.6% in 2006, indicating that Goa has a serious epidemic of HIV among sexually active people.
Karnataka - a diverse state in the southwest of India - has a population of around 53 million. In Karnataka the average HIV prevalence at antenatal clinics has exceeded 1% in all recent years. Among the general population, 0.69% were found to be infected in 2005-2006. Districts with the highest prevalence tend to be located in and around Bangalore in the southern part of the state, or in northern Karnataka’s "devadasi belt". Devadasi women are a group of women who have historically been dedicated to the service of gods. These days, this has evolved into sanctioned prostitution, and as a result many women from this part of the country are supplied to the sex trade in big cities such as Mumbai. 29 The average HIV prevalence among female sex workers in Karnataka was 8.64% in 2006, and 19.20% of men who have sex with men were found to be infected.
Mumbai (Bombay) is the capital city of Maharashtra state and is the most populous city in India, with around 20 million inhabitants. Maharashtra is a very large state of three hundred thousand square kilometres, with a total population of around 97 million. The HIV prevalence at antenatal clinics in Maharashtra was 0.75% in 2006, and surveys of female sex workers have found around 20% to be infected. Similarly high rates are found among injecting drug users and men who have sex with men. The 2005-2006 survey found an infection rate of 0.62% in the general population of Maharashtra. This state is home to around one in five of all people living with HIV in India.
Tamil Nadu - When surveillance systems in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, home to some 62 million people, showed that HIV infection rates among pregnant women were rising - tripling to 1.25% between 1995 and 1997 - the State Government acted decisively. Funding for the Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society (TANSACS), which had been set up in 1994, was significantly increased. 30 Along with non-governmental organisations and other partners, TANSACS developed an active AIDS prevention campaign. This included hiring a leading international advertising agency to promote condom use for risky sex in a humorous way, without offending the many people who do not engage in risky behaviour. The campaign also attacked the ignorance and stigma associated with HIV infection. 31
The HIV prevalence at antenatal clinics in Tamil Nadu was 0.25% in 2006, though several districts still have much higher rates. The general population survey of 2005-2006 found a rate of 0.34% across the state. Prevalence among injecting drug users was 24.20% in 2006 - the highest of all states and union territories.
Manipur is a small state of some 2.2 million people in the northeast of India. The nearness of Manipur to Myanmar (Burma), and therefore to the Golden Triangle drug trail, has made it a major transit route for drug smuggling, with drugs easily available. HIV prevalence among injecting drug users is around 20%, and the virus is no longer confined to this group, but has spread further to the female sexual partners of drug users and their children. 32 The HIV prevalence at antenatal clinics in Manipur has exceeded 1% in all recent years. The 2005-2006 survey found that 1.13% of the general population was infected - the highest of all states surveyed.
Mizoram - The small northeastern state of Mizoram has fewer than a million inhabitants. In 1998, an HIV epidemic took off quickly among the state’s male injecting drug users, with some drug clinics registering HIV rates of more than 70% among their patients. 33 In recent years the average prevalence among this group has been much lower, at around 3-7%. HIV prevalence at antenatal clinics was 1% in 2006.
Nagaland is another small northeastern state, with a population of two million, where injecting drug use has again been the driving force behind the spread of HIV. In 2006, the HIV prevalence at antenatal clinics was 0.93%, and the rate among female sex workers was 16.40%.
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 2:43 PM 1 comments
Labels: Hiv aids in India
Funny Viagra print ad
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 1:47 PM 33 comments
Labels: funny viagra ad picture
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Indiisches Konzern Tata greift Ferrari an
Der Kauf von Jaguar und Land Rover fegte die letzten Zweifel vom Tisch. Ratan Tata baut seinen weltumspannenden Konzern weiter aus. Inzwischen sitzt er bei Fiat im Aufsichtsrat.
Damit verfolgt der mächtige Inder mehrere strategische Ziele. Laut "auto motor und sport" hat Rata Tata angekündigt, sich bei Ferrari einkaufen zu wollen, das zum Fiat-Konzern gehört. Sein Kleinstwagen-Projekt plant Tata mit Motoren von Fiat. Umgekehrt könnte künftigen Alfa Romeos mit Jaguar-Antrieben Beine gemacht werden.
Womöglich liegt da der Schlüssel, wie Ratan Tata das verlustreiche Ford-Erbe wieder flott machen will. Da Jaguar tief in den roten Zahlen steckt, hatte Ford die Marke nur zusammen mit Land Rover verkauft. Der Geländewagenhersteller fährt Gewinne ein. Doch zusätzlich zum „Schnäppchenpreis“ von 2,3 Milliarden Dollar muss Tata weitere Milliarden in die beiden ehemaligen britischen Vorzeigemarken pumpen.
Neue Perspektiven mit Fiat?
Der Weltmarkt für Autos wandelt sich. Der US-Absatz verzeichnet heftige Einbrüche. In Europa machen den Herstellern die verschärften Umweltanforderungen zu schaffen. So wie sie jetzt aufgestellt sind, haben weder Land Rover noch der Luxusbauer Jaguar eine Chance zu bestehen. Aber über Partner wie Fiat eröffnen sich neue Perspektiven.
Wer sich anschaut, wie sich das Tata-Imperium in Indien entwickelt hat, darf dem Gentleman mit guten Umgangsformen eine weitere Erfolgsstory zutrauen. Im Januar hatte der Tata das billigste Auto der Welt vorgestellt. Der Preis von umgerechnet 1700 Euro für den kleinen Nano mit dem Smart-Gesicht verblüffte die Fachwelt, auch wenn im Fall des Exports nach Europa ein deutlich höherer Preis erwartet wird. Mit 6000 Euro wegen höherer Sicherheitsanforderungen rechnen Experten hierzulande, falls der Tata überhaupt kommen sollte. 250.000 Nano sollen pro Jahr zunächst für den heimischen Markt produziert werden.
Sozial und beliebt
Der Tata-Konzern wurde 1869 in der britischen Kolonialzeit von Jamsetji Tata gegründet und ist Koloss mit 98 Tochterfirmen - von der Telekommunkationsanlage über Tee bis zum Lastwagen. Der jährliche Umsatz liegt bei 28,8 Milliarden Euro. 289.500 Menschen arbeiten für das Unternehmen.
Auch wenn Tata in der Vergangenheit nicht davor zurückschreckte, tausende Mitarbeiter zu entlassen, gilt der kinderlose 70-Jährige mit dem milden Lächeln als sozial und beliebt bei seinen Angestellten. An der Spitze des Weltkonzerns stehen zwei große Stiftungen, die mit 65,8 Prozent die Mehrheit an der Holding mit allen Tochterfirmen halten.
Mumbai 2007 industrial rents almost double
Mumbai’s industrial property rents almost doubled last year, rising at the fastest pace in the world, real estate advisory Cushman and Wakefield Inc. said in a report.
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 12:07 PM 6 comments
Labels: industrial rent, mumbai, real estate
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Best National Geographic Photo Contest 2007 - People
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 9:13 AM 2 comments
Exclusive Pics of Gandhi family
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gandhi Family pictures
Ford sells Jaguar/Land Rover to Tata
Homegrown auto major Tata Motors has clinched the Jaguar and Land Rover (JLR) deal estimated to be valued between $2-2.5 billion.
According to sources close to the development, the deal was signed last evening and is estimated to have cost the Tatas between $2-2.5 billion.
When contacted a Tata Motors spokesperson said the company would make an announcement at an "appropriate time". Ford on the other hand has been insisting that they would make public the deal only after it has informed its employees.
The sources said the formal announcement of the deal is likely to be made at 5.30 pm IST.
The deal has taken almost nine months to finalise as both Ford and Tata and their financiers sought to iron out issues seen as crucial to the future of the two British marques. It is expected to cover long-term supply of engines to both brands from Ford.
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: ford sells jaguar, tata
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Most TB cases found in India
Three million people develop tuberculosis in the Southeast Asian region every year, India reporting 22 per cent of these, and over half a million die of the disease, says the latest World Health Organisation (WHO) report released on Monday.
The 11 countries of the region which account for 25 per cent of the world's population carry more than one-third of the global burden of tuberculosis, the report said.
India and China record the highest number of TB cases globally, it said and added that, besides India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand are part of the high burden countries.
Of the 22 countries that record TB, these five countries together have over two million cases or 95 per cent of all cases globally.
The 11 countries included in the report are India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Timor-Leste, and North Korea.
Releasing the report on World TB Day, Samlee Plianbangchang, WHO's regional director for the Southeast Asia region, said there should be a “concerted action globally, nationally and locally” to contain TB.
“There is emerging evidence of a reversal in the burden of TB in this region,” he added.
“The impact of TB is reducing and it is remarkable to note that there are TB driven programmes in this region that have been instrumental in bringing down the number,” said Jai P. Narain, WHO's director for communicable diseases.
He said India and Indonesia alone contribute 40 per cent of the total cases reported in the region. India's share is 22 per cent.
“The region, with 4.97 million TB cases, carries over one-third of the global burden of TB," said the Tuberculosis in the Southeast Asia region 2008 report.
“Most cases occur in the age group of 15-54 years, with males being disproportionately affected in the region,” the report said.
Though deaths due to TB have declined after introduction of DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment, Short course) in the region, the disease still claims more than 500,000 lives each year, it said.
The report said an overall case detection rate of 68 per cent was achieved in 2006 in the region, close to the global target of 70 per cent.
It said that all member countries are in the process of implementing the new Stop TB strategy through their multi-year national TB control plans.
But it said that establishing an adequate network of quality assured laboratories for performing drug susceptibility testing (DST) remains a main challenge for the region.
“Interventions for the management of MDR-TB (multi-drug resistant TB) cases under the national programmes have been developed and implemented by Bangladesh, India, Myanmar and Nepal,” the report said.
It underlines that over the next 10 years the countries in the region should teat and cure 25 million TB patients, including those with HIV co-infection and drug-resistant TB.
“Save at least five million people from dying from TB and prevent at least one million cases of multi-drug-resistant TB," the report emphasised. by Ankit Chaturvedi at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: tuberculosis in India
8 Signs You Masturbate Too Much
1. You are becoming obsessive.
You check your page stats not only every day, but several times a day. If the stats are lower one day than they were the day before, you cry. You may already be using that auto-erotic blog toy called Google Analytics and looking at who’s watching you. You are so, so nasty.2. You’re giving yourself LOTS of love.
You just adore that new header you spent all that time jacking around with. Isn’t it slick? Oooh, nice header. Okay, click on out of your own page already and check out someone else for a change. And link to others at least as often as you link to yourself.3. Your work is beginning to suffer.
You’re hitting Technorati more often than you are responding to your boss’s emails. Technorati has your number. How low can you go? Jeez, you’re going to get a crick in your neck if you keep doing that.4. You are starting to become numb.
Your blog no longer looks juicy. You are ready to call it quits, because you have only had five new visitors during the last hour. Fortunately, there’s an off button. Press it gently. There you go. Doesn’t that feel better?5. You are getting sore.
If you are going to stay on MyBlogLog all day long, then get yourself an ergonomic chair. And a nice soft keyboard pad. Don’t get chafed from all that clicking.6. You’re starting to get red.
Your eyes that is. What did you think I was talking about?? Hit the brightness button on your monitor and turn it down a tad. Or up. Up and down. Whatever.7. You take your laptop into the bathroom at work.
You’ve gone too far, really.8. Your personal relationships are beginning to suffer.
You have been writing posts five times a day for weeks. Your hands are tired. Your SO no longer remembers what you look like.So now you know if you have a problem. If so, please get help before you go insane or grow hair in places that don’t have follicles. I recommend going cold turkey and shutting down your blog if this is happening to you. Then I can have all of the traffic to myself and have some peace….ahhhh.
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 9:49 AM 2 comments
Labels: blog, masturbation
Thursday, March 20, 2008
India ranks 10th in domestic car sales
India is ranked 10th in the world with respect to domestic car sales in the year 2007, according to a report published on Tuesday by an international Automobile Manufacturers Association.
According to the report, global car sales crossed the 70 million mark for the first time ever last year, and the U.S topped the list with sales of 16.46 million cars. But the U.S share of the global car market has fallen from 29.1% in 2002 to 22.9% last year.
The second to sixth places for 2007 remained the same as in 2006: China ranked second (8.792 million), followed by Japan (5.354 million), Germany (3.483 million), the UK (2.8 million) and Italy (2.741 million).
India was one among the 3 emerging markets that rose one notch from the 2006 rankings. The total domestic sales in India for the year 2007 was 1.99 million cars. Besides India, Russia climbed to seventh position with 2.644 million domestic sales, and Brazil climbed to ninth spot (2.463 million).
A total of 71.82 million cars were sold worldwide in 2007, up 4.5% from the previous year.
In the recent years, India has emerged as one of the major bases for manufacturing small passenger cars. At present the Indian automotive industry boasts of being the 3rd largest manufacturer of small cars.
According to the international car statistics almost 70% of the cars sold in the country come under the segment of small cars. A number of car manufacturers like Maruti Suzuki, Tata Motors, Hyundai, Honda, Ford, Hindustan Motors, Fiat, General Motors etc offer various new model of cars now and then.
It is expected that the various automobile manufacturers will be investing about $ 5 billion in India, between 2005-2010.
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 1:55 PM 1 comments
Labels: india car sales
World Bank rates India as top receiver of remittances in 07
India is the top receiver of remittances from abroad in 2007, followed by China and Mexico, according to the World Bank's Migration and Remittances Fact book 2008, released here Wednesday.
The top five recipients of migrant remittances in 2007 were India ($27 billion), China ($25.7 billion), Mexico ($25 billion), the Philippines ($17 billion) and France ($12.5 billion), according to the fact book.
For 2007, recorded remittances flows worldwide were estimated at $318 billion, of which $240 billion went to developing countries. These flows do not include informal channels, which would significantly enlarge the volume of remittances if they were recorded.
"In many developing countries, remittances provide a life line for the poor," said Dilip Ratha, a senior economist, and author of the fact book with Zhimei Xu.
"They are often an essential source of foreign exchange and a stabilizing force for the economy in turbulent times."
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 10:42 AM 1 comments
Labels: india, migrant remittances, world bank
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
33 of Life’s Most Powerful Lessons
Below are 33 of the most powerful lessons in life. I encourage you to share yours with me by leaving a comment below. =)
- Often those who aren’t the easiest to love are the ones who need it the most.
- Seeing children play can make even the bluest day brighter.
- Money is not the root of all evil, fear is.
- The secret to happiness is the acceptance of yourself.
- Happiness is not based on external status, it is an internal state.
- Money can’t make me happy, but self-sufficiency gives me the freedom to share myself creatively, without worrying about how I’m going to pay the bills.
- Every man has a right to choose his own destiny.
- The path is the way.
- Coming is going, going is coming.
- The hardest is found in the easiest.
- Heaven and hell exist here and now, within your own mind.
- Life is the largest stage.
- Music is one of the most supreme expressions of life. It is art in it’s most transitory form. It is gone within an instant, and therefore, extremely precious.
- Follow your gut, you’ll thank yourself later.
- Remember what your mother taught you, it came from the most sacred place of love that exists.
- Never let an argument last, never hold a grudge, it will make your heart heavy.
- Forgive those that have yet to do you wrong, and you won’t have to worry about it should the time come.
- Be grateful for this moment, it is all there is.
- The source of most of your frustrations and anxiety are the result of living in the future, or the past.
- Spend time alone with yourself every day.
- Always go with yourself, never against yourself.
- You have to be your own best friend.
- If you don’t like what someone else says to you, you can walk away. But if you don’t like what you say to yourself, you can’t walk away. Therefore, if you’re going to be with yourself all the time, you might as well be nice to yourself.
- The truth shall indeed set you free.
- Lies only exist if we believe in them.
- Even the most fundamental beliefs about reality are not true in themselves. Our thinking makes them true in our experience.
- Your thoughts create reality.
- The biggest lie is the lie of your imperfection.
- Being kind is more important than being right.
- Your heart is your best compass.
- Cherish those that you love, you never know if you’ll see them again.
- Your beliefs are a filter for your reality.
- Love is the supreme expression of life, it is the essence and ground of all creation.
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: life lessons
India Rocks (Video)
THIS IS OUR INDIA.........DONT DARE TO CHALLENGE US.....WE INDIANS R D BEST Watch out this video from an Indian movie Namastey London to know what India really is...
INDIA ROCKS!! - A funny movie is a click away
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: india rocks, namaste london, video
University from Wardha to offer MBA course in Hindi
A university in Wardha in Maharashtra will soon be starting an MBA course. While looking at the increasing demand for MBA graduates, this comes as no news.
The only difference here would be the medium of instruction and the course content — it would all be in Hindi. It is probably the first of its kind, designed for students who wish to opt for a Hindi MBA.
The Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya in Wardha will be offering the course from the next academic year starting from July 2008. As the vice-chancellor G Gopinathan says, “It is a commercial language now, why miss it?” University authorities believe that management and technology cannot be restricted to a particular language.
Gopinathan said, “It is the bazaar and business language and it needs to be experimented. Though we have not devised the entire curriculum in Hindi, we will do it as soon as the course starts. We did not wish to delay the launch because of the nitty-gritty.”
Currently, the university will use translated versions of books written by different authors in English. The board of studies’ committee from the university has already had several meetings to discuss various topics that have to be incorporated.
The MBA (Hindi) will be offered in rural, tourism and finance managements to begin with and later offer other specialised courses. The university is planning to release the advertisements by the end of this month.
A university in Hyderabad had earlier offered the course in Urdu (just the medium of instruction) and surprisingly managed to get 100 per cent placements for their MBA graduates, said the vice-chancellor.
DNA spoke to a couple of corporates to check out the placement value of Hindi MBA graduates. Kishore Biyani, the MD of Pantaloon Retail, said, “It is always good to learn in your basic language. The understanding of concepts will be better. If the curriculum is in par with the MBA (English), then we will not have a problem in recruiting such candidates.”
Charudatta Deshpande, head of corporate communications, ICICI, said, “There is no sacrosanct policy on knowing English in the finance industry. The person has to deal with numbers. If the concepts are clear, we will not have a problem in recruiting. In fact, it will be an added advantage for us to recruit front office candidates with an MBA in the local language.”
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: mba course in Hindi, wardha university
Transferring money to parents' account? 5 tips
Many young professionals move to cities in search of jobs, leaving parents in their hometown. Once they find a job they usually send a part of their earnings home to help their parents. Outlook Money takes a look at the options one has to send money home and the costs involved. While the channels of sending money home remain the same - banks and post offices - the modes of transfer have increased over the years.
In parents' account
Thanks to core banking you can now deposit the money in your parent's account from the city where you are based. Braja Sundar Rath, 34, a Hyderabad-based IT professional, sends money to his parents in Gunupur, Rayagada district, Orissa. Earlier he used to send money through a demand draft (DD).
"Using a DD had its own problems," says Rath.
When the bank branch where his parents have their account got connected to the core banking facility (it allows you to operate your account and use other banking facilities from any branch of the same bank irrespective of the location of your account), he started depositing money in their account directly.
"The money gets credited to the account immediately and at zero cost," says Rath.
Open a joint account
The problem comes when branches don't have the core banking facility. In such a case you can either open a new account for your parents in a branch that has the facility, or you can open a joint account with one of your parents and give them a debit card to operate it.
You should, however, remember that with a new account the quarterly average balance has to be maintained. In private sector banks this amount can be as high as Rs 10,000. For public sector banks it is around Rs 1,000.
A little help from friends
If you feel that the cost of maintaining a quarterly average balance is too high or if your parents don't want to operate a new account or the process of depositing money is too time consuming, then you can deposit the money in a friend's account who is based in your hometown.
Alwin Horo, 24, an ITeS professional based in the NCR, tried depositing the money in his parents' account, in Ranchi, from Gurgaon. "I stood in the queue for more than two hours. When my turn came I was told that the time for depositing money in outstation accounts was over," says Horo.
Luckily for Horo he has a Ranchi-based friend who's bank account is connected through core banking. Now, Horo deposits around Rs 6,000 a month in his friend's account for his parents. But do keep in mind that this may increase the friend's tax liability.
Transfer online
Online transfers save you the time and effort of visiting a bank branch to deposit money. At present, around 80 financial institutions offer this facility in India. To transfer funds online, you will need to opt for the net banking facility and register yourself for the third-party funds transfer facility.
Through this facility funds can be transferred instantly. The only condition is that the actual time taken to credit the account depends on the time taken by the payee's bank to process the payment.
Further, you can transfer funds from your account to any other branch that offers the facility. Also, any transfer request made on a non-working day also gets presented to the Reserve Bank of India the very next working day. The best part, however, is that this facility is offered free of cost.
Demand draft
This was the good old way of sending money home. This option will still hold good if the branch with which your parents bank is not covered by core banking and you aren't as lucky as Horo. But there are certain disadvantages of going the DD way.
First is the cost. For example, you will have to pay up to Rs 60 to get a DD made of up to Rs 5,000. Some banks do not charge for this facility if you have an account with them.
Second, you have to send the DD through courier or speed post, which is added cost. Also, once the draft is submitted it takes a minimum of three working days for the funds to be transferred. On top of all this you will lose time standing in queues to get the draft made.
Many banks have a dial-a-draft facility where you can call the bank and they will deliver the draft to you after which you can send it to your parents. This option is more expensive than others and you have to use your credit card to avail this facility.
Instant money order
If you don't have the time to get a DD made or to deposit money in your parents' bank account, do an instant money order (iMO). With iMOs, you can transfer funds instantly to more than 600 post offices across India. You can find the list of the post offices covered at India Post's website
You can transfer Rs 1,000-50,000 from a designated iMO post office. The charges depend on the amount to be transferred. For example, transferring up to Rs 5,000 costs Rs 150 and Rs 300 for amounts between Rs 45,001 and Rs 50,000.
To transfer money you have to fill a "To Remit Payment" (TRP-1) form and submit it with the money. You will get a printed receipt with a computer generated confidential 16-digit iMO number.
Give this number to your parents. Your parents have to give this number at any designated iMO post office counter, fill up and submit a "To Make Payment" (TMP-1) form along with an identification proof.
Payments below Rs 20,000 will be made in cash, and others by cheque. Your parents can also receive the payment in their post office savings account in the same iMO office.
Mode | Time taken 1 | Cost |
Demand draft | 5-10 days | Depends on the value of the DD 2 |
Deposit in parent's account | Instant | Free |
Dial-a-draft | 7-10 days | Transaction fee of 1% of |
Electronic transfer | Instant | Free |
Instant money order | Instant | Rs 150 - 300 |
Joint | Instant | Min. quarterly balance to be |
1 Time taken for parents to receive the money
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: money transferring tips
Coke ad (Pic)
Coke ad
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: coke picture, funny pic
New Marriage law for Muslim women in India
The All India Muslim Women Personal Law Board has released the "Shariat Nikahnama" that they claim would give equal rights to both Muslim men and women.
If the board has its way, a Muslim woman would be entitled to seek divorce if her husband was found having illicit relationship with another woman.
The board has also rejected any divorce done through SMS, e-mail, phone as video conferencing, besides rejecting divorce done on provocation.
A Muslim woman can seek divorce if she is forced by her husband to indulge in unnatural sex. She can also seek divorce if her husband contracts AIDS.
"We have framed the new nikahnama strictly in accordance with the tenets of Islam, which clearly prohibit any kind of harassment or oppression of a married woman by her husband," said AIMWPLB president Shaista Amber.
Shaista Amber added that at the shariat also entitles a woman to take separation even when the husband refuses to grant a divorce.
"Besides extra-marital relationship, these include absence of physical relationship between the husband and wife for more than a year, abandonment of the wife for more than four years, failure of the husband to look after the wife and family or any kind of ill-treatment or torture," said the model nikahnama.
The new nikahnama has 17-point guidelines for marriage under the Shariat for bride and groom, while eight points on the divorce process.
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 7:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Pakistan to get its first woman speaker
Fahmida Mirza is all set to become the first woman speaker of Pakistan's National Assembly. The Pakistan People's Party on Tuesday nominated 51-year-old Mirza, a medical graduate, and Faisal Karim Kundi as its candidates for the posts of speaker and deputy speaker respectively of the Lower House of Parliament. The two candidates are expected to win as the Pakistan People's Party and its allies -- Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz, Awami National Party and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam -- have a majority in the National Assembly. If she is elected, Mirza will be the first woman speaker of Pakistan. The deadline for the filing of nomination papers for the two posts ended at noon on Tuesday. Polling for the posts will be held through secret ballot at 11 am on Wednesday and the new speaker will take charge as custodian of the House the same day. The nominations were made by PPP co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari very late on Monday night following weeks of consultations with the party's MPs and its allies. Mirza comes from a political family of Sindh province. She is the wife of Zulfiqar Mirza, a member of the Sindh provincial assembly and a close aide of Zardari. She won in the February 18 polls from the coastal district of Badin. Kundi, who was elected to the National Assembly for the first time, is a youngster who was personally groomed by slain PPP chairperson Benazir Bhutto [Images]. He defeated Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal secretary general Maulana Fazlur Rehman in the polls in the latter's traditional stronghold of Dera Ismail Khan. The PPP, which emerged as the largest group with 120 seats in the 342-member House, is set to form government with its coalition partners. According to an agreement signed by the PPP and PML-N, the candidates for prime minister, speaker and deputy speaker will be from the PPP. But the PPP has not yet resolved its differences over the nomination of a candidate for premiership. PPP vice chairman Makhdoom Amin Fahim, a front-runner for the premiership, was sidelined by Zardari following reports that he had secretly met President Pervez Musharraf [Images] and members of the military establishment. A majority of MPs have suggested that Zardari should become prime minister after contesting by-elections. After meeting Zardari late on Monday night, Fahim said he too had proposed that PPP co-chairman should become prime minister. There was no word from the party on Zardari's reaction to Fahim's proposal. Senior PPP leader Syed Khurshid Ahmad Shah has said that the nominee for premiership will be announced by March 20. "The future prime minister will be announced by March 20. There are four to five candidates for the top slot and the final decision will be taken after consulting our coalition partners," he said.
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: fahmida mirza, woman speaker pakistan
7 Tips zur Anmache
1. Wie komm’ ich nur an ihn ran?
7 Tips zur “Anmache” - und dir fallen bestimmt noch mehr ein:
1. Lächle, zwinkre, lache ihm zu - Augenkontakt bringt's!
2. Geh mit ihm Eis essen.
3. Organisier 'ne Fete, lad ihn ein, oder nimm ihn zu einer mit.
4. Zeig ihm auf jeden Fall, dass du dich freust, wenn er auf dich zukommt - nicht übertreiben, aber deutlich.
5. Sag ihm, dass du mit ihm tanzen gehen möchtest.
6. Lass dir was einfallen: Mach Ballons an sein Fahrrad, oder schick ihm 'ne Rose, ohne dass er genau weiß, wo's herkommt - ahnen reicht.
Es gibt viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten, Kontakt aufzunehmen. Jede hat ihre eigene Art, sonst wäre es ja auch langweilig.
Mädchen sind oft zurückhaltender als Jungen. Wartest du auch lieber, dass er auf dich zukommt? So kann man sich zwar keinen Korb holen, aber:
Was ist, wenn du wartest und wartest und wartest...., bis die Chance vielleicht vertan ist? Wenn du es schaffst, von dir aus auf einen Jungen zuzugehen, hast du den großen Vorteil, dass du dir aussuchen kannst, wen du kennenlernen möchtest, und es kann schön sein, aktiv was dafür zu tun. Ob ein Junge das nicht auch mal gut findet, "angemacht" zu werden und nicht immer der Aktive sein zu müssen?! Natürlich gibt's Zeiten, da hat man keinen Bock, aktiv zu sein und findet Warten einfach angenehmer.
Übrigens: Vielen Menschen fällt es nicht ganz leicht, Kontakt zu machen, denn es spielt die Angst mit, abgelehnt zu werden. Gerade von denen, die uns besonders wichtig sind.
2. Wie komm' ich nur an sie ran?
Stell dir vor, du siehst sie (zum ersten Mal oder vielleicht ständig in deiner Klasse, im Bus, beim Sport oder sonst wo). Dein Herz fängt an zu klopfen, die Hände werden feucht, du hast natürlich gerade mal wieder nicht die beste Meinung von deiner eigenen Erscheinung, überlegst dir wilde Einleitungen, um sie anzusprechen.
Bemerkt sie dich überhaupt??!
"Hey, du?" klingt nicht gerade originell. Aber was sonst? Während du dir all das überlegst und versuchst, noch möglichst cool zu gucken, redet sie längst höchst interessiert mit einem anderen ...
Von Jungen erwarten die meisten Mädchen immer noch, dass sie den ersten Schritt tun. Das ist wahnsinnig schwierig, denn es besteht ja das Risiko, abgewiesen zu werden und sich zu blamieren. So eine Ablehnung tut weh und drängt nicht gerade nach Wiederholung. Wenn du Angst hast rot zu werden, dann ist es eben so! Du wirst sehen, Mut zu mehr Gefühl und Offenheit führen auch zum Erfolg.
Überleg dir, was zu dir passt. Was bist du für ein Typ? Eher ein Draufgänger oder eher ein Zurückhaltender? Du kannst in verschiedene Rollen schlüpfen und mal ausprobieren, was du besonders gut kannst. Warum sollte man den anderen Menschen nicht zeigen, dass man sie gerne kennenlernen möchte. Denk mal daran, wie gut es dir tut, so etwas zu hören!!
Es hilft wenig, irgendwas nachzuspielen, was du im Kino gesehen hast und was gar nicht zu dir passt. Menschen sind verschieden: Was zu dem einen gut passt, ist für den anderen noch lange nichts.
Wenn Mädchen den ersten Schritt tun, wollen sie selber aussuchen, statt ausgesucht zu werden. Sie sind aktiv. Für Jungen ist das ungewöhnlich, aber doch meist irgendwie toll und entlastend: Echt stark!
Aber wo kann man überhaupt jemanden treffen? In der Klasse sind Mädchen und Jungen zwar gemeinsam, die jeweiligen Freizeitaktivitäten laufen jedoch meistens getrennt ab. Die meisten Mädchen sind den Jungen in ihrer Entwicklung um etwa zwei Jahre voraus und finden etwas ältere Jungen interessanter.
Gut für Kontakte sind gemeinsam organisierte Feten. Ihr könnt für schummrige Beleuchtung und Super-Musik sorgen, Körperkontakt ergibt sich beim Tanzen!
Auch in Jugendgruppen kann man Leute kennenlernen. So mancher geht zum Beispiel zu den Pfadfindern, um eine Freundin oder einen Freund zu finden! Man hat gemeinsame Interessen, Diskussionen, oder auch etwas vorzubereiten und zu organisieren. Hör dich doch mal in Deinem Ort um. Es gibt mit Sicherheit irgendeine Gruppe, in der du mitmachen kannst!
"Wer wagt, kann verlieren....
...oder gewinnen, und dann kann es ganz toll sein..."
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 9:37 AM 2 comments
Labels: anmachen tips
Monday, March 17, 2008
Cities to Host Half of Humans by End of 2008
Cities to Host Half of Humans by End of 2008
Posted by Ankit Chaturvedi at 4:21 PM 9 comments
Labels: delhi, metro cities, mumbai, new york, tokyo